This is one of my favourite photos stemming from the gaffparty style of indie european art. ...On the left we see a girl. clearly full of gumption, displaying text book susan envy. Easter Sunday: it was brisk sunday evening.Bell, du rag madden, dara and lawlor were on their way to drink and to see the film 'fast and furious' (do not get confused with the first film of the series 'THE fast and THE furious'; what an abysmal, lazy title)We ran into some friends and were offered to go to mr james bradshaws house to consume alcohol, naturallly.We agreed, a night of drunken debauchery awaited; and didnt disapoint. the 'party' (a very optimistic description) proved to be lacking some spunk. cue me. I started talking to a random girl. She was slightly more odd than the type one normally finds at these kind of things. However i had drunken a bottle of wine so, to my detriment, i didnt care. She told me she was a reductionist. My reaction as im sure yours is, was..... whah?She believes that all human emotion, feelings, beauty, basiclly any of the nice thigns about being a human like love etc. are all just chemical by products and therefore untimatley worth-and-meaning less. She also mentioned she didnt believe in god; neither do i, so at least i thought heres somehing sane to talk about. Cue bell. Ill skip to the holy water bit...We sitting at the stairs. For some reason there was one of those stair lifts gannies use.
Obviously we tried to go on it, alas however it was broken. So im sitting on the old mank lift thing and i see a large bottle of holy water on his fuse box thing. Now, keeping in mind in very very drunk, i take the holy water from its perch. Bell looks at me; i look at bell. He reads my mind. Dont do it he says. Its too late however the idea is firmly palnted in my mind. dare me to drink I say. before he could reply im raising the blessed h20 to my lips and then take a siplette. i tasted like dirty rotten water that was on his fuse box for thirty years so i didnt take a very large sup.I then go all john the baptist and try to be born again by baptising myself.I splash the water on my head and say 'save me jesus'. I dont feel very saved or holy so i trry a diferent tact. i splash the sacred water on my croch/groin area and exclaim boldy 'oh jesus baby!' a crowd has gathered and they are looking at me as if im not exactly sane. Maybe it was the holy water; maybe it was the drink, but i cant remember what happpened after that fully. Just a heated argument about gods existance and me insulting the reductionist girl...., then she started striking me.... then me striking her accross the face probably harder than she did me. Then we went home. All in all a gud night. Until next time, peace out from the one and only JAMRAG! xo
wow,you should be a model