Anyways they're totally sweet style icons and better than you will ever be, may aswell just give up now.
And, as if that wasn't enough they're both in a load of awesome films, with awesome cast and awesome directors and they just sit around soaking up each others awesomeness.
Por ejemplo, Edward Scissorhands, The Heathers, Beetlejuice and Girl, Interrupted
And, obvi, her Friends cameo.

Then there's Zooey, sweet tiny indie babe. She's got 500 Days of Summer, Almost Famous, Tin Man and, her raison d'etre, Elf under her belt. 'sides that she's also got an ah mazing voice. She's part of She and Him with M.Ward belting out some sweet tuneskis. (My faves)

p.s i'm a creep, i know
picatures from google images