My impending trip to that most fair of cities, London for birfday celebrations up to and including Sunday night funtimes seeing both Grizzly Bear and Beach House at the one gig.. (hold the jizz) ..I'ma take a look at Victoria Legrand of the latter for both style and, lets be honest, rub my travel plans in just a little bit. (Hiiiii Rory.)
What with being Paris born she has that whole French ingenue thing going for her, add in the big eyes and even bigger hair and we've got some serious envy material. This isn't even taking into account the mega-dreamy voice and perfect job what with the touring and general 'I'm in a band' lifestyle the lady leads. Aside from this she and Alex Scally (Beach House bandmate) were picked out by Grizzly Bear, also awesome, as a band to watch means I've already got some bones to pick with the lady. Then she goes and dresses all amazing but in the irritating way that you know if you wore a full length turquoise dress to the dunes you'd look like a crazy person. I don't hate though, in fact I fully intend getting as close to her as I can to absorb some of the aura.
Here you go anyways, I even went to the trouble of making a collage, I'm nice like that.

Or just look at the video here, or both. I advise both.
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