Thursday, April 29, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
On day 22 maybe I broke a bit
but town was real cold and I'd swanned in like a fool without a jacket or anything. I know that's my own fault but, fuck it, sunshine fools me every time in more ways than I care to admit (namely the fact that I burn and freckle like a motherbitch, no tan, just a repeated cycle of burning and freckling).
Right, I'm gonna continue in this vein of listing all of the extenuating circumstances that led to my failure, the fact I was in to meet some people and they were late so I basically had to go into Wild Child, right? And then there was a sale. And on the way to town I saw this girl in this whopper maroon cardigan and I thought to myself, now, maroon cardigan wouldn't that be lovely. So I stroll in (just to kill time, see) and there's a row of Lacoste jumpers for only a tenner a pop. Sitting in this row was the loveliest maroon jumper, absolute classic. For TEN EURO. How could I not, right? I brought that guilty little secret home, snipped him down the front and did some of the most haphazard and lazy sewing of my life. Proudly showcased my work to the ma and when asked after the origins of said jumper lumped it in with the pile of stuff I'd bought in London and just never got around to altering, I'm sly like that. So yeah, Susan was right just a little. But basically it wasn't my fault and I've a winner cardigan that'll last forever. Don't even cur.
not bad for ten minute job, amiriiight?
Take This Waltz

Tiny bus card holders from Topshop. Maybe I wouldn't lose my travel card if I had one of these. Most likely I would, though. Also, noticed how I'm still not studying. And would Eddie be creeped out if I sang along to his music. I can hear it you see, I'm in the next room. But he thinks it's distracting me. Honest, the music is the last thing that's distracting me
What Do You Want Me To Do, Jump Out Of My Knickers?
IS what my darling mother said. If I had a facespace, that'd be my status. Ah christ, exam time is upon us, breathing down our necks like a distgusting pervert or over zealous library security guard. The scholastic year went too soon, filled with charming drinks receptions to be crashed and bottles of Lenin's favorite wine to be stolen. Christ. But I need to concentrate. I really do. But I keep looking at pretty blogs where the people can just fuck off to Cuba for a month and do nothing but swim and drink mojitos. Why cant we do that? Ah here, this is going nowhere. Wish me luck

Sunday, April 25, 2010
The Du Rag is Back!..
Just at work, just pricing me some galviscon when a striking young fellow strutted into the shop. His ring tone was “Apple bottom jeans boots with the fur…..”
He wore…
red flip flops, white socks, khaki green three quarter length trousers , a red hoody and his crowning glory a white du rag.
I was particularly impressed with the matching of the socks to the du rag and the top to the flip-flops, breaking up the whole red/white ensemble with the green trousers. He bought Head and Shoulders anti dandruff shampoo and Beconaise (because even du rags can get hay fever).
Clearly this marks a trend back toward Hedwig’s early days as Du-rag worshippers. Some people have suggested that a certain Hedwig fashion blogger should retrieve his lost du rag before he gets left behind…..
He wore…
red flip flops, white socks, khaki green three quarter length trousers , a red hoody and his crowning glory a white du rag.
I was particularly impressed with the matching of the socks to the du rag and the top to the flip-flops, breaking up the whole red/white ensemble with the green trousers. He bought Head and Shoulders anti dandruff shampoo and Beconaise (because even du rags can get hay fever).
Clearly this marks a trend back toward Hedwig’s early days as Du-rag worshippers. Some people have suggested that a certain Hedwig fashion blogger should retrieve his lost du rag before he gets left behind…..
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Liam Stevens.
When the sister and i were looking through the wedding album she was asking Dad did he have many girlfriends as she said he was "handsome". Chuffed to hear that question he proudly answered "of course i did!, all the girls thought i was Cat Stevens."
Pppffttt.. i thought.
Later on i looked up young pictures of Cat Stevens. Well i never. The guy, i think, is the spit of Dad. Maybe not so much in the wedding photos but when he was younger, blogged about him a while back, here.
"Da get off the stage wouldcha, Scarlahh."
obvi wouldn't be scarlah if my dad was Cat Stevens.
Later on i looked up young pictures of Cat Stevens. Well i never. The guy, i think, is the spit of Dad. Maybe not so much in the wedding photos but when he was younger, blogged about him a while back, here.

obvi wouldn't be scarlah if my dad was Cat Stevens.
snice day for a swhite swedding.
k, so for the past week i've been on this mad wedding buzz. I was told about this site, stylemepretty. It's amazing. The ideas i've got from this site....oeuf..i tells ya. Some of the weddings are staged but most of them are real weddings. aghhh they're so so sweet. real cute like. Just a few days ago i saw Liam's and Roberta's wedding album sitting on the coffee table..hellooooo mr white book. So i took some pictures of my favoutie ones as i couldn't take them out of the masso white book to scan. a picture of a photo. so kooky. Here we go...
Here be the bride with her Da, Peter. I guess this is Bobby's style, flower headband and some lace gloves that go so far. The interior of that car. Nice...real nice. Pitty it wasn't lepoard print, Bobby would be loving that now so she would. wait till you see the bridesmaids. HA!
A young Liam.
BAM! the bridesmaids dresses. ehhh nice choice Bobby. what is that?? One of her sisters (the circled face) hated the dress she had to wear, fair enough, so she pulled that face in all of the wedding photographs to ruin them. the cheek. She stuck to her word, every photo with her in it she's making that face.
SEE!!..Bobby didn't mind tho, she kept her cool.."because you Do NOt cross a sugar baker woman!"
Least the Nice Pope is looking over them, not the new creepy one with his insanely dark circles under his eyes ( he should use neutrogena's anti-puff eye roller, one sold every 20seconds..or somet), imagne the new one hovering above them. cringe.
i just like this one.
Ahh the Tuck side of the family, well some of them. I just love my auntys masso fur coat and the one with the nest i mean hat. Oh how the sister and i laughed at this picture.
That knife is way long.
ahh so they were once happy. nice to know.
Now this one, this hilarious picture. You just know that photographer was being experimental.
"So i'm going to put your faces in like a whiskey type glass"
Em, no it's ok. Portrait will do fine.
"No No you'll see, it will be amazing."
Seriously it's fine.
"Ok, glass face it is"
"So i'm going to put your faces in like a whiskey type glass"
Em, no it's ok. Portrait will do fine.
"No No you'll see, it will be amazing."
Seriously it's fine.
"Ok, glass face it is"
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
My new gummybear love.

I just want one of these or anything from RomeingPanda. I'd love to knuckle dust someone with one of these bad sweet boys and leave behind a imprint of 3 gummybear buddies. I was told about this blog yesterday. I heart it. It has everything from fashion to pandas. and a dog that looks like a panda. If i ever get a job after saving the whales (by taking pictures of them) with whatever money i earn these are the 1st 3 things i will buy.
1.Electric Picnic Ticket
2. Something from RomeingPanda
3. Clothes. I badly need some new clothes.
I was meant to blog about something else today but i couldn't get a hold of the scanner as the sister refuses to move from the computering area.
"Hey, can i just use the scanner for a bit?, won't be to long"
Katie, I'm in my final year, I've exams coming up.
"yes, but could you just move to the table, just for a second. Sitting at the dinner table won't effect you grades"
Don't be so cheeky i don't have time to move, grumblegrumble *breathes fire*
That didn't happen, but i knew if i asked and the sister was in a mood it would have. So i just saved myself from a pointless argument. Good job me. Sometimes i do feel i'll study better when i sit at the computering area. it looks smart and it makes me think i'm studious. To be in the presence of a computer, printer, scanner, some stickynotes and highlighters i think it will get me into a "Study Mode"-(it's like i'm a robot and this is a setting) anyway...I do anything but, i'm more distracted than ever but's nice to think i'll do work.
oeuf went off on a lil tangent there. oh well. I'll blog the other yoke ma bob tomorrow.
1.Electric Picnic Ticket
2. Something from RomeingPanda
3. Clothes. I badly need some new clothes.
I was meant to blog about something else today but i couldn't get a hold of the scanner as the sister refuses to move from the computering area.
"Hey, can i just use the scanner for a bit?, won't be to long"
Katie, I'm in my final year, I've exams coming up.
"yes, but could you just move to the table, just for a second. Sitting at the dinner table won't effect you grades"
Don't be so cheeky i don't have time to move, grumblegrumble *breathes fire*
That didn't happen, but i knew if i asked and the sister was in a mood it would have. So i just saved myself from a pointless argument. Good job me. Sometimes i do feel i'll study better when i sit at the computering area. it looks smart and it makes me think i'm studious. To be in the presence of a computer, printer, scanner, some stickynotes and highlighters i think it will get me into a "Study Mode"-(it's like i'm a robot and this is a setting) anyway...I do anything but, i'm more distracted than ever but's nice to think i'll do work.
oeuf went off on a lil tangent there. oh well. I'll blog the other yoke ma bob tomorrow.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Crotchless Panties
Success! Just standing around in work when I spot that black velvet gold studded dress that used to be something like one hundred and twenty squids, I excitedly rush up to check the price and following that magical beep of the scanner note with glee it's been marked down to a mere shadow of its former glory, €30. Lightening fast discount calculation means this beaut is mine for just €22.50, bargain! Aaaaand shit, it's the playsuit version. Playsuits make me look like a giant baby with impossibly large legs. I don't know why, it's just physics. Well, instead of giving up on the dream I decided to take matters into my own hands. Brought it home, snipped the crotch out and hemmed that right up. 10 minute job (with maybe some supervision and helping hands from the ma) and I've a new dress. Lesson here, don't let playsuits ruin your life. Dresses are infinitely better. Besides, easy access. Duh.
Minimal barriers to entry, like a Victorian flower market.
And to any naysayers, this was purchased on the 28th of March. I'm just real lazy.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Songs for Swingin' Ladies
With an oh-so original reference to the weather (I know, but really it was well nice there for a few days) music for laying about in the sun is in order. And that is pretty much how I'd sum up Best Coast. Headed up by Bethany Cosentino who started writing her current stuff cos of intense pining for her hometown on the west coast of Amerdicah while studying in New York. And it shows, really laid back tunes with a kinda Girls-y/Beach Boys vibe. Perfect for sunshiney days, balmy nights and fantasizing 'bout the summer to come (cos Met Eireann assure me it'll be a real nice one this year, for reals!). Also, girl can dress. She even used to work as an intern at Fader, check her old column here. Pretty haaaair. Look.

That's her on the right there

Video for their debut single is hopefully nicely embedded for you and have a look at her current blog at
I can do computer things, me. Myspazz is here.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
To borrow a turn of phrase..

Dude looks like a monkey.

In other news, Dylan? Birrova style icon with the 'bans, cuban boots, skinny jeans, epic shirts and obvi giant hair is always a winner. p.s. I love you
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Seeing as
One of trends in work right now is called Lolita, I recently got my Taxi Driver dvd back offa Patsy and I was reminded of the editorial to follow I thought I'd do what could be construed as a mildly inappropriate style inspiration post on Iris from the aforementioned film. Yes, she is a child prostitute but dude, that was the seventies. Here in the tensies everybody's dressing like they've got a John to please but really it's all about a laid back hippie hippie shake style with plenty of leg on show, god forbid it looks too boho (remember invasion of the gypsy skirt, possibly summer of '02? Dark times). Also, let's face it. Pretty fucking iconic image, no?

Obviously I'm not the first creep to spot some inspiration from an underage hooker, this is W certified. Natalia Vodianova kills it. See?

From W December 2004
Anyways, what with the arrival of that oh so rare visitor to these shores, the sun, it's prime time to get the leg out. I had a collage all made up with high street versions of this look but it didn't save. I'm totally up for making another but unfortunately college is technically the more pressing right now. Though I will admit the one letter difference does make a mighty fine case for the this space.
You'll be ok. You'll have a job

Here we have Bad M all in her new Sand Storm gear. All ya need is a scarf n some "Ray Bands". She's all set and ready to hit the dunes.
So today Bad M, Shuvonur and myself went to the lovely Botanic gardens. Since it was such an Ab Fab day the Botanics was jammers. There was no room left on the bike racks.a first. so we sneakly locked them up outside where the kind carpark man pretended not to see us. nice chap.
There was so many children there, taking up all the lovely green grass with their stupid tumbles. nobody cares, get over yourselves. We potterd about for awhile talking about Harry Potter to breast feeding in the Botanics. really one with nature like. After walking around we plonked ourselves down beside the pond. Whipped out the piccie blanket, ipod n speakers and a pink lady. good times. We creeped on everything that moved and took sneaky snaps of passers-by. well one of us did. So we're talking about seeing famous people in the Botanics, cause one time we saw yer wan from xposé, the one with the reallyy short blonde hair.the gross-Do. anyway Guess who saunters over to the pond with his oh so indie photogtapher wife n tiny child.
Ken Doherty

His sweet wife took some snaps of him n his child. I noticed we would be in the background of their photos so i posed. Some might say i Vouged the shit out of it. but some prob wouldn't say that. We creeped on them for awhile then they left so we creeped on ducks. After all that creeping (say creep again. creep)we packed up and left. It was a good ole day that's for sure. Next trip should be Howth. fingers crossed.
Just looked in the mirror. Freckle madness so it is. You calm down freckles.
I played the Jersey Shore song "Get Crazy, Get wild..." as we sat sweetly, the urge i got to go crunk and fist pump with a duck was unreal.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Here we can witness the changing pattern of my whims when it comes to painting my nails.
From the heady solid black Temple Bar days, which, lets be honest I kept up right until sometime last year (interspaced with navy, wild, I know).
After that I went for some lavely pale purple/lilac thing from Urban 'till I spied the Chanel Jade and rushed off sharpish to Boots to get some Barry M lookalike. Since then it's been varying pastels gracing my nails and I'm rather excited for the new additions the the family courtesy of the ever classy Collection 2000. In order to alleviate the withdrawal from my self imposed clothes shopping embargo I allowed myself some nail polishes today. The first, in a pastel purple, is to replace the UO one when it inevitably runs out. The second one is a lavely pale blue that is currently sitting pretty on my considerably-less-than talons. I'd show you a picture of it on but right now, my nail beds suck. So, what's the damage? Two for €4.50, sweet.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Nice Buns, Not A Bad Arse Either
SO on Monday we baked and drank cocktails. Some pap shots from the evening
Why was the hob purple?
Monday, April 5, 2010
Money Laundering
Thursday, April 1, 2010
On a Blogging High.
You may have seen the Rice Crispy ad where the mother happily makes these marshmallow type easter egg things with her kids. So today Smyth and i decided to be this happy family on the kelloggs ad. Except we used Dunnes branded 'Crisp Rice' -(Crisp Riceys). They do the job just as well. I created below a shity colage cos i didn't want to upload a pile of photos. ya get the gist.

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