Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Radio City

Thats all for now, BAd N made eggs so i must dash
cat man doo
I is sitting in a dark sweaty internet cafe with my hedwig shopper by my side (timeless piece it can travel anywhere and still works you know) my hair is quite similar to that episode of friends when monica's hair goes fro-ish due to humididty. (i look quite like a wild irish woman).
this place is mad but totally bitchin. it is hard to describe the streets but i will give it a bash so picture dollee'r street, junior night, the youths are tripping on bad em's and the coppers are trying to confiscate their VK ...throw in a few wee childers and cows running and galloping about and you have it.
It's only my second day i miss the streets of Dublin a wee bit i am gagging for a birra brown bread and some meat (everyone is a herbivore here so no sweet beef jerky for me)
Peace out Bad m
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Fallen Princesses

Sunday, June 21, 2009
We give this lovely day out an A+.
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Mrs Quinn, You Are A Babe

Here's what I got:
Getcha flipflop on
Monday, June 15, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Launch Night Delights (this may be a little fictional)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
On your local
look at this legible beaut
Oeuff.. unnecessary dot. Lets hope someone puts down the seat.
The Mother of all tags. A stunned Fiona brought this one to my attention. Masso wah?
A certain blogger also tagged a ATM on lower graffton street, unfortunately i was not there to capture that rare moment. maybe the next outting. here's hoping.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009
Not exactly Mean Girls but still good
Vintage story line: guy pays other guy to go out with girl who he ends up liking…
Star studded Cast: Heath Ledger, Julia Stiles, that girl who was on that old nickelodeon show where she could turn herself into a puddle and the kid from third rock from the sun
Their own Clicks: Future MBS, Coffee heads, Cowboys, people who think their Jamaican, and the beautiful people
Killer Lines:
I know there’s a difference between like and love, cuz I like my sketchers but I love my Prada backpack,
But I like my Sketchers?
That’s cuz you don’t have a Prada backpack!
(so true!)
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Are you there god?
Friday, June 5, 2009
launch night
dress code: dancing shoes, pulling shirts and do-rags a must. (get your styling on as we're bound to get a lot of media interest)
accessories: three cans of devils bit (2 if you're sweet tiny susan), pen for defacing libertas posters and a handfull of coppers for bus fare
p.s warm up begins in pavilion at 1pm
hedwigs see you there ;) cheeky wink
Quotes from Jade Goody's autobiography: Part 1
After a prologue and 4 pages:
On her mam:
"I remember when i first got pubes. I was so proud of them. Then my mum leant over the bath with a razor and shaved them into a heart shape!"
"She taught me to roll my first spliff aged four, then captured the whole proud event by taking a photo"
Her dad wasn't quite as cool:
"He was found overdosed in the toilet of a KFC restaurant - which must go down as one of the classiest exits in history"
So fashion forward her head must've been in a vacuum:
"We'd get really dressed up...a white skirt and a white shirt with little black stick men and women all over it"
"I was actually a chav before they were given a name"
On her face:
"I can't help my face, thats just the way I was born"
And, just because this is a bit funny:
"Jade...was arrested for shoplifting in Selfridges when she was a teenager. She was caught because she went back to ask for carrier bags for her stolen goods"