Monday the 18th was G.M.Ms last gig for awhile as one of their guitarist Ronan is going away. They played down the stairs in Whelans (wexford st.) round 9ish?? meh can't remember. The band consists of a Rory- lead vocals, Ronan - lead guitar/vocals, Maggie - on the skins, Jim - guitar/vocals and Nesbit on bass. They played amongst other bands but i did not care for them or know their names. As the crowd chanted "Get me Moscow!" Rory appeared and the rest followed onto the stage to take their places. (Im going to assume this happened , the night was pretty much a blur, maybe Foley can help fill in some gaps.?) anyway.. so their set was, 'Dot the i', 'Sammy', 'New York city cops'(cover), 'pcp', 'The perfect life', 'All my friends'(cover) and 'Get Done'. Rory's energetic 'i'am having a fit dance' seems to get the crowd going and gives the gig a certain je ne sa qua. Looking around as they played everyone seemed to be enjoying their songs and yelling their lyrics, im gonna say most of the crowd were there to see Get me Moscow, ya know why?.. cos their F ing brilliant.
Check their myspace
blog ya laterrr
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