SO there i was tripping down grafton street on my way to the north side where I feel most at ease when this beastly hag troll with her oversized, over priced fugly tote bag in the crook of her arm smacked me in the pervert´s ear and knocked my earphones out. Yeah, she was that taller than me.
She didn´t think to stop or throw an apology over her fake baked shoulder, instead she made a beeline for BT2s or Cafe En Seine or some shite like that.
She should know that the recession is here, her time is over, she should get over herself and she should realise she´s no Regina George or Cher.
So I just called her a cunt and continued on my way. Bit harsh maybe,satisfying yes.
p.s. i just saved a baby magpie from being eaten by a bigger one. sweet
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