Monday, July 27, 2009

Flat Packer's Delight

Some of the hedwig crew took a trip to Sweden's best export up in the Mun (after Kopparberg mixed berry of course). I think we're decided that its a bit of a great hang out spot after staying a good five hours in the place.

Some of the highlights were the cafe, with unlimited drink refills, hot dogs for 50cent, seeing some fool grab a crate of non alcoholic Kopparberg thinking it was on some great discount,the swinging sex chairs and being told by a tall man that we were the first customers to use the bike rack. Then he made lewd comments about the lenght of our skirts...

Still though, a great day out. And the biggest question on our lips- Will Tom Doorley do a review of the cafe?

sweet hats

i dont know

games to keep the childer happy

is this a rabbit holding on to two parts of a broken motorcycle?

scribbles tuck

scribbles tuck

dime cake, meatballs 12 for the price of 10 at 2 blips a plate

these are normally 2.50 in the shops!

skank sweeties

knacker snax

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I'm seeing alot of sweet things in my future

And, in direct correlation to this, very little money for food and other non essentials.
Tease yourself here.

Three o'clock and not a child in the house washed.

Today I will wait for Ikea, have poptarts and make my bedroom super swedish and chic by throwing everything thats on the floor into the wardrobe . Try it

Wish i could go to this...

heres their blog...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

What's new??

Gots em! for the next couple of days brekkie is going to be gooood


They write on ANY surface

birra a Mary bag

and a Mary yoke.

gotta get me pearls white.

In the words of Eimear, om nom nom

a good read.

This my friends is a Corn Angel. real sweird init?
I wanna get a potateo stick a barbies head on it and have feathers or leaves stickin out from the side. Anyone got a Barbie head?

I've yet to try this tequila flavoured lolly and yes that is a worm in it.
Will i?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I know, we're on a bit of a bike buzz but has anyone seen this dublin route planner

Not only does it tell you how to get your way about town ( although it suggests that i head to school via o connell street on my two wheels rather than on a quieter road) but it calculates how many cals you'll burn. Awsome or what!

Pimp My Second Hand Bike

CHANGED my mind again. So I'm looking for a darling second hand bike that i can re vamp. Thinking of heading to Rothar on Saturaday, they have bike sales in their work shop down in the 'Boro. They seem like a good crowd and offer bike fixing classes which I might avail of.For the more charitable of us they have a scheme to earn a bike or bike parts if you volunteer in the workshop. See for yourself

The sign itself is one

silly botanics.


how emo is that one
sweet malay coin

a sort of indie sovreign ringa pog
why is it here again.
how sick is my corpse hand? point is would you like to comission one?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

random style queen


So Hedwig right now!

check (it) mate

found this really sweet music blog, with many lovely youtube hidden jems...wednesday january 14th has the cutest little video ever!

Opening In Five Days (sounds rude donnit)

On July 27th, Ikea Dublin will be opening its doors up in the 'Mun. A Hedwig expedition is a must. Live entertainment, goody bags and competitions are promised.

Ikea.ideas for your home, new ikea catalogue,in the shop there is more/bigger selection,dining room,sadist dining table

"Let's face it, nobody wants to see a baboon running up a tree with their underwear."

Baboons in the UK's Knowsley Safari Park unpacking a visitor's suitcase on the roof rack.

If they can open a banana with greater ease than I can, it's not surprise that they can break into
a suitcase. Look at yer one's face though!