Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My new gummybear love.

Boldpicture from PandaLand

I just want one of these or anything from RomeingPanda. I'd love to knuckle dust someone with one of these bad sweet boys and leave behind a imprint of 3 gummybear buddies. I was told about this blog yesterday. I heart it. It has everything from fashion to pandas. and a dog that looks like a panda. If i ever get a job after saving the whales (by taking pictures of them) with whatever money i earn these are the 1st 3 things i will buy.

1.Electric Picnic Ticket
2. Something from RomeingPanda
3. Clothes. I badly need some new clothes.

I was meant to blog about something else today but i couldn't get a hold of the scanner as the sister refuses to move from the computering area.

"Hey, can i just use the scanner for a bit?, won't be to long"

Katie, I'm in my final year, I've exams coming up.

"yes, but could you just move to the table, just for a second. Sitting at the dinner table won't effect you grades"

Don't be so cheeky i don't have time to move, grumblegrumble *breathes fire*

That didn't happen, but i knew if i asked and the sister was in a mood it would have. So i just saved myself from a pointless argument. Good job me. Sometimes i do feel i'll study better when i sit at the computering area. it looks smart and it makes me think i'm studious. To be in the presence of a computer, printer, scanner, some stickynotes and highlighters i think it will get me into a "Study Mode"-(it's like i'm a robot and this is a setting) anyway...I do anything but, i'm more distracted than ever but still...it's nice to think i'll do work.

oeuf went off on a lil tangent there. oh well. I'll blog the other yoke ma bob tomorrow.

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